Dino Quests description clearly states that you can choose "Asia" & "the Americas" to excavate, but the makers have not designed those 3 portions of the game (in the 2 years theyve had to do it).
The game is deceptively made to look as though those places will be available after you complete the other continents with the promise, "coming soon" & little padlocks. Possibly they intended to add these & never got around to it? Regardless, they are advertising something they dont offer, & thats not legal in the U.S.
(So, PLEASE, do not spend money on this app trying to unlock those next levels, it wont work.)
Also, contact information does not let you communicate with developers (an Italian company?). So theres no way to ask them for help or a refund.
The best course of action is through the Federal Trade Commission/Consumer Protection Bureau.
I wouldnt raise such a fuss, except that young children play these games--children who are not too young to know theyre being cheated.
Q2thousand about Dino Quest: Fossil Games, v1.5.6